Nekoze's Page

2007/12/8 Nekoze unstable released

What's Nekoze?

Nekoze is a program that can run some Windows adventure games on Mac OS, released by D.O., ZyX, CD BROS, Purple, etc. (details)

[Supported titles for the latest version]


Nekoze 1.1 (2006/7/1)
For Mac OS 9 For Mac OS X
  • Imploved compatibility with the supported titles.
  • English sentences are now word-wrapped.
  • 16 more titles were supported.
Nekoze 1.0 (2005/2/26)
For Mac OS 9 For Mac OS X
Nekoze 1.1.1b
unstable (2007/12/8)
unstable (2006/11/11)
.SUF files for trial versions (2004.11 updated)
Copy an appropriate file into the game directory of the trial version.
OggVorbis for QuickTime 7 & Nekoze (2005.10 updated)
OggVorbis component that works with QuickTime 7. Replaced by XiphQT.

Former changes history

If you have any questions or comments, use mail form or post to bulletin board (Japanese pages).

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This site uses screenshots of Kazoku Keikaku, which is a product of D.O. corporation. You may not reproduce them without D.O.'s permission.

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