# 01sp.rb - select-plugins plugin $Revision: 1.4 $ =begin ChangeLog See ../ChangeLog for changes after this. * Thu Aug 28, 2003 zunda - 1.3 - simpler configuration display * Tue Aug 26, 2003 zunda - 1.2 - option defaults are flipped - Typo for @options are fixed * Tue Aug 26, 2003 zunda - 1.1 - English translation * Fri Aug 22, 2003 zunda - - bug fix: check conf mode before updating the options * Fri Aug 22, 2003 zunda - - following options are added: thanks to kaz - @options['select_plugins.hidesource'] - @options['select_plugins.hidemandatory'] - @options['select_plugins.newdefault'] - new plugins are marked in the list until the user configures the selections * Wed Aug 20, 2003 zunda - - first release =end ChangeLog SP_PREFIX = 'sp' @sp_path = ( @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.path"] || "#{PATH}/misc/plugin" ).to_a @sp_path = @sp_path.collect do |path| /\/$/ =~ path ? path.chop : path end # get plugin option def sp_option( key ) @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.#{key}"] end # hash of paths from array of dirs def sp_hash_from_dirs( dirs ) r = Hash.new dirs.each do |dir| Dir::glob( "#{dir}/*.rb" ).each do |path| filename = File.basename( path ) r[filename] ||= path end end r end # url of the document def sp_doc_url( file ) case @conf.lang when 'ja' "http://hikiwiki.org/ja/#{CGI::escape( file )}.html" else "http://hikiwiki.org/en/#{CGI::escape( file )}.html" end end def collect_plugins( sp_opt ) # categorize the available plugins used = [] notused = [] unknown = [] # File.basenmame needed to read option from 01sp.rb <= 1.10 selected_array = sp_option( 'selected' ) ? sp_option( 'selected' ).split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) } : [] notselected_array = sp_option( 'notselected' ) ? sp_option( 'notselected').split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) } : [] sp_opt.keys.each do |path| if selected_array.include?( path ) then used << path elsif notselected_array.include?( path ) then notused << path else unknown << path end end [used, notused, unknown] end #
  • list of plugins def sp_li_plugins( paths, with_checkbox, is_checked ) paths.collect { |path| File.basename( path ) }.sort.inject('') do |result, file| checkbox = with_checkbox ? %Q!! : '' result << %Q!
  • #{checkbox}#{CGI::escapeHTML( file )}! end end # lists of plugins def sp_list_plugins( sp_opt, with_checkbox ) r = '' if sp_opt.empty? return @sp_label_noplugin else used, notused, unknown = collect_plugins( sp_opt ) # list up r << @sp_label_please_select unless unknown.empty? then r << @sp_label_new r << "
      \n" r << sp_li_plugins( unknown, with_checkbox, sp_option( 'usenew' ) ) r << "
    \n" end # selected plugins unless used.empty? then r << @sp_label_used r << "
      \n" r << sp_li_plugins( used, with_checkbox, true ) r << "
    \n" end # not selected plugins unless notused.empty? then r << @sp_label_notused r << "
      \n" r << sp_li_plugins( notused, with_checkbox, false ) r << "
    \n" end end r end # things needed to configure this plugin if SP_PREFIX == @cgi.params['conf'][0] # list of plugins @sp_opt = sp_hash_from_dirs( @sp_path ) # update options # we have to do this when we are eval'ed to update the config menu if /saveconf/ =~ @mode @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.selected"] = '' @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.notselected"] = '' @sp_opt.each_key do |file| if 't' == @cgi.params["#{SP_PREFIX}.#{file}"][0] @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.selected"] << "#{file}\n" else @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.notselected"] << "#{file}\n" end end end end # configuration menu # options are updated when we are eval'ed add_conf_proc( SP_PREFIX, @sp_label ) do r = '' r << @sp_label_description r << sp_list_plugins( @sp_opt, true ) end # Finally, we can eval the selected plugins as tdiary.rb does if sp_option( 'selected' ) sp_option( 'selected' ).untaint.split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) }.sort.each do |filename| @sp_path.each do |dir| path = "#{dir}/#{filename}" if File.readable?( path ) begin load_plugin( path ) @plugin_files << path rescue Exception raise PluginError::new( "Plugin error in '#{path}'.\n#{$!}" ) end break end end end end # The `show_plugins' plugin is enabled in show_plugins.rb def show_plugins used = @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.selected"].split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) }.sort used.empty? ? '' : "
      \n" + sp_li_plugins( used, false, true ) + "
    \n" end export_plugin_methods()