

 Soldat は独特なサイドビュー多人数アクションゲームです。Liero、Worms、Quake、Counter-Strikeなどのゲームを参考にして作られました。大量の飛び散る血液と肉片と共にスピード感のあるプレイが出来るでしょう。Soldierたちは様々な武器が備えられた2Dの競技場で互いに戦います。こういうわけでこのマルチプレイヤーゲームが生み出されたのです。


  • 無料で遊べる
  • 現実の物理法則に基づいたゲーム空間
  • 18種類以上の武器:
    - MP5, Ak-74, M79, M249 Minimi, Barrett M82A1, XM214 Minigunなどの銃
  • Internet,LAN上でのマルチプレイヤー・ネットワークゲーム
  • 知能の高いbot
  • 7つのゲームモード:
    - Deathmatch
    - Pointmatch
    - Teammatch
    - Rambomatch
    - Capture the Flag
    - Infiltration
    - Hold the Flag
  • 95種類のMap
  • 自作のためのツール: Soldat Map Maker 及び Interface Maker
  • Windows若しくはLinux用のロビーサーバと専用サーバ
  • MOD,Map,Toolを作る巨大コミュニティ

意見や質問、アイデアがある場合や、新しいMODやMapを作成した場合には Soldat Forumsを参照してください。

Soldat 1.6.8







Soldat links

Soldat Servers
Soldat Gather
Soldat Chile
R/S Forums

banners in Soldat


Soldat 1.6.8 (14.10.26)
Dedicated Server v2.7.8 (14.10.26)





Version 1.4 の問題


- 起動時に発生するaccess violationのエラー(互換性モードの必要性なしに)
- 解像度変更とミニマップが動かない問題
- ロビーサーバのエラーメッセージ
- Windows 98/SEにおけるUNICODEの問題
- ゲーム参加時のサブ武器の問題
- 無効な武器があるサーバーをキックされる問題
- Flamerを使うとキックされる問題。

リリースまでの間にはこのスレッドを参照してください ("Version 1.4 issues"をお読みください)。


SOLDAT 1.4 リリース!


Changes 1.3.1-1.4:

- Added new maps: ctf_Cobra, Island2k5, Leaf, inf_Messner, htf_Zajacz, htf_Prison, htf_Erbium, Factory, ctf_Steel, ctf_Ruins, ctf_Division, ctf_Conquest
- Added BattlEye anti-cheat engine integrated ("BattlEye_Anti_Cheat=" soldat.ini option)
- Added game screen resolution change (for registered players)
- Added minimap (F2 key; for registered players; "Disable_Minimap=" server-side option; "MiniMap_..." position and transparency options )
- Added new Soldat intro starring the Soldat ghost
- Added completely new lobby server uses reliable TCP/IP connection (http://rr.soldat.pl)
- Added color icons for server ping in servers list
- Added country flags in server list
- Added unicode support (for all menus; taunts)
- Added chatting with IME composition (for East Asian fonts)
- Added fonts size change option (more info: SoldatTxtfonts-help.txt)
- Added shadows under console and chat text
- Added font can be changed in menus through SoldatTxtfont.ini (or language specific e.g. english.ini)
- Added default game keys shown in escape menu during the first 3 run times
- Added separate file "weapons_realistic.ini" for realistic mode weapon settings
- Added window resize option in Config (windowed mode can be stretched to fullscreen)
- Added transparency of bullet depends on bullet strength (the stronger it is, the more visible)
- Added team colored kill console
- Added team colored chat messages
- Added flags and weapons start blinking 5 seconds before disappearing
- Added suicide weapon shown in kill console
- Added recoil setting to weapon modifications (works in non-realistic mode)
- Added F9 hides Soldat to tray (Alt+Tab also)
- Added player catches on fire from lava polys
- Added transparency enabled on polygons
- Added server address added at end of gamestat.txt
- Added gamma brightness adjustment option (works only in fullscreen; right mouse button sets default value)
- Added PNG loading - if BMP not found in folder PNG is used
- Added network protection banning stolen registration keys
- Modified weapon balance (more info in Soldatweapons.ini)
- Modified reworked and fixed maps (more info in file SoldatMapsMaps Change-log.txt)
- Modified bullets (except Barrett, M79, LAW, Knife) lose 50% of power after screen distance and another 50% after 2 screens
- Modified bullet graphics for better visibility
- Modified new random texture used instead of blank.bmp (to prevent scenery delete cheating)
- Modified flamer does not kill owner
- Modified Alt+F3 hides player names on screen, F2 reserved for minimap
- Modified increased visibility of grenade trail
- Modified player does not lose points after team change
- Modified gun recoil behaviour in realistic mode (thx to Ramirez)
- Modified parachute cannot be dropped for 2 seconds after respawn
- Modified all suicides displayed as "Selfkill" in kill logs
- Modified grenades cause 50% more damage to owner
- Modified players can`t unpause game if server is paused
- Modified log and screenshot filenames are timestamped now
- Modified picked up weapon doesn`t have to be reloaded
- Modified weapons are higher and more visible when lying on ground
- Modified crouch and prone position give less recoil
- Modified players menu does not appear after kicking from server
- Modified registration restriction taken off font changing
- Modified grenade bink works on weapons with grenade throwing
- Modified flames behaviour and power
- Modified knife throw delay is slightly shorter
- Modified respawn counter background overlaps console text
- Modified faster server pinging
- Modified killconsole look; added spaces between kills; long names render smaller
- Modified taunts can be scrolled only after pressing chat button and not typing anything
- Modified Config program; added Troubleshooting FAQ button link
- Fixed Alt+Tab problems, Soldat now always minimizes to tray
- Fixed weapons mod MovementAcc hack
- Fixed "wrong map version" error when scenery count was less than 5
- Fixed hits not registering while player near collider and on ground shot at certain angle
- Fixed flooding server with taunt messages (only 3 the same can be sent)
- Fixed instant shot; avoiding startup time (for Barrett and LAW) when weapons fire bar is reloaded
- Fixed Soldat starting suspended or page popping out when ad server down
- Fixed team change bug
- Fixed gun jamming when standing on dropped weapon and changing weapon
- Fixed mouse cursor display with sensitivity other than 100%
- Fixed "no bots" filter saving
- Fixed idle kicking during paused game
- Fixed Soldat resizer screen hack
- Fixed parachute network problems
- Fixed flames in network bug
- Fixed chat text reappearing after erasing whole text
- Fixed not being able to vote for 2:00 minutes after team change
- Fixed map sector bug (when more than 255 polys in sector)
- Fixed textures not loading from Mod directory
- Fixed weapon and gostek graphic restrictions (weapons no larger than 64x64, gostek 16x16).
- Fixed player weapons settings in hand not changing after loading new weapon mod
- Fixed messed up menu graphics on first installation and game start
- Fixed Barrett typo (not changed in weapons.ini for compatibility)
- Fixed explosion damage not calculated using anti-lag (like bullets)
- Fixed player colors using transparency (no-head exploit)
- Fixed weather effect sound not working with sound volume
- Fixed grenade and M79 trail position
- Fixed file download exploit

- 起動後、もしくはゲームに参加後にSoldatがおかしくなる場合。
ビデオカードがテクスチャのレンダリングをサポートしていない場合(pre-Geforceなど非常に古いカード)Soldatを正しく起動するにはconfig.exeのVideo Compatibility(ビデオカードの互換性を重視する)にチェックを入れるしかありません。
- Windows Vistaではフルスクリーンでアンチエイリアスがうまく動作しないようです(Vistaではアンチエイリアスをオフにしてください)。
- マルチプレーヤーでFlamerを使いすぎるとキックされます。
- フォントがうまく表示されない場合、フォントファイル(Soldatフォルダ内のbgothl.ttf及びlucon.ttf) をWindowsのフォントフォルダにコピーしてください。

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Soldat & Soldat home page by Michal Marcinkowski


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