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People come to the States for different reasons - perhaps for the beaches, good weather, theme parks or landmarks. However, many people are interested in the natural beauty the country has to offer and enjoy exploring and walking in the National Parks within the States.

The National Park Service looks after nearly 400 sites right across the States, ranging from vast areas of natural beauty to small parks and places of historic interest. You won't have to look far to enjoy what has become an important part of the nation's heritage and a highlight of any holiday.

Every site has its own brochure describing the park, its programmes and significance to get the most enjoyment out of your visit. Therefore, on arrival your first stop should be to the visitor centre or information contact point to find out more about the diverse cultural and natural resources in that particular area and how best to plan your visit.

Often you'll find these centres have interpretive and educational exhibits and many offer videos or slide presentations with interesting facts. Naturally the activities and services available will vary greatly, depending upon the size and type of the site, but you'll find that many provide an extensive range of programmes including living history dramas, guided hikes, campfire talks, and seasonal festivities.

To highlight the range and variation between the many different sites, here are just a few very contrasting examples:

At the relatively small Booker T Washington National Monument in Virginia, where the visitor centre provides both information brochures and interpretive exhibits, you can walk round historic buildings, explore a living history farm and take a self-guided nature hike.

If you visit the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia you get the feeling you are walking in the footsteps of the nation's founders. You can experience the thrill of being where the American Constitution was created and of touching the Liberty Bell. And make sure you explore the Benjamin Franklin Court and print shop, where you can listen to 'voices from the past'.

At the other end of the spectrum there are places like Yellowstone National Park, famous particularly for its geysers, which includes mile upon mile of scenic roads and special trails, numerous camping grounds and a collection of museums and visitor centres. Here it's really a holiday in itself, where you can hike, ride horses, fish and observe the amazing diversity of wildlife… or simply wonder at some of the country's most breathtaking scenery. And within the vast park there are plenty of other useful facilities, including places to stay, restaurants and souvenir shops.

Of course, these designated sites aren't all on dry land. The Biscayne National Park in Florida, with its mangrove shoreline, crystal clear waters, emerald isles and living coral reefs, attracts near half a million visitors a year. Many of these enter the park by private boat to fish, cruise and enjoy the waters. They picnic and camp on the islands and, with snorkel or dive tanks, they explore the exciting kaleidoscope of life that is the living coral reefs.

You can go by car to Convoy Point, where you will find the park's headquarters and the Dante Fascell Visitor Centre. Here you can fish, canoe, explore the fascinating centre or go on one of the organised boat tours. It offers a tranquil setting with picnic tables and charcoal grills, a canoe beach where you can launch your canoe, kayak or sailboard and a picturesque boardwalk which takes you along the shoreline out to the rock jetty. The Visitor Centre offers information, exhibits, park videos, books and a wonderful veranda complete with rocking chairs and a great view.

Whichever park you choose, members of the National Park Service will be available to help you, whether it's a ranger, maintenance person or other on-site professional wearing the familiar green and grey uniform and wide brimmed hat!

For more information visit the National Park Service web site, which has a listing of all their parks and facilities www.nps.gov

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